Become a Certified Yoga Teacher
Heal Me Yoga Institute trains and certifies yoga practitioners. Find out how you can grow and make a difference!
Your journey starts here…
Yoga practices balance the energy in body, mind, and spirit to facilitate the healing response. In this sense, yoga done in the classical therapeutic way can heal.
Connection to peace and deep calming breathing stimulates the part of the brain that causes the body to respond by immediate tissue and organ regeneration and immediate healing.
At Heal Me Yoga Institute you will be trained in the unique Heal Me Yoga style, which includes the classical 8 limbed path.

Yoga teacher training and certification courses.

200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification
Become a certified yoga teacher in this essential teacher training course. Graduates are certified at the 200-hour level. Course accredited by Yoga Alliance.
RYT 200 Teacher Training
Fall cohort begins September 14, 2024

500-hour Yoga Teacher Certification
Build on the 200-hour training to receive the RYT 500 certification for distinguished yoga teachers. Course accredited by Yoga Alliance.
RYT 500 Teacher Training
Module 1 cohort begins September 16, 2023
Module 2 cohort begins September 21, 2024

Children’s Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher Certification
Become a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher for children and their parents in this five-week online course. Graduates also receive continuing education credits from Yoga Alliance.
Online Teacher Training Cohort
Start at any time, complete at your own pace

Children’s Yoga Teacher Training
An online intensive ten-day training. Upon completion of this course, you will be a certified children’s yoga teacher eligible for the RCYT credential with Yoga Alliance.
Online and In-person
July 18–28, 2022

Chakras in a Nutshell
Essential for yoga teachers seeking to become more confident and knowledgeable in the basic science of chakras and how it relates to yoga practice.

Chakras Immersion Series 101
A more in-depth look at chakras from the emotional, behavioural and physical yoga perspective.
By first working the techniques on yourself and experiencing first hand the balance they bring to body, emotions, mind, and spirit, you will then be ready to teach them to others.
Create a foundation for a lifetime of growth.
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